Laboratory for ChemoMetrics, Vienna (Austria)    COSIMA  




COSIMA is a mass spectrometer on board of the ESA space mission ROSETTA.

ROSETTA will reach comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkov in year 2014.

COSIMA is dedicated to analyze organic and inorganic substances in comet dust particles.


SORRY, in some documents, links may be inactive.


Chemometrics and TOF-SIMS in Comet Research (Summary)

(in LCM, TU Vienna) [German version]



Project MS - Chemometrics - COSIMA (1997 - 2000)

Aims of the Project       People       Some Results     Literature

ROSETTA           COSIMA           Pictures

Presentations (Papers, Posters)

Supported by the Austrian Academy of Science





COSIMA Operational Team Meeting, 24 - 26 Oct. 2011

Institute of Chemical Engineering, TU Vienna

Picture Report      TU News (english

 | deutsch)





Info                             Last update 2022-01-31