COSIMA Science Team Meeting - Vienna 2016


29 February - 2 March 2016

Vienna University of Technology

Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics


COSIMA Operational Team Meeting - Vienna 2011


(C) Pictures by Jochen Kissel and Kurt Varmuza



Members of the COSIMA team discuss mass spectrometric measurements and pictures from comet particles obtained by the COSIMA TOF-SIMS instrument on-board of the ESA spacecraft Rosetta.    [Meeting 1 March 2016]












Dinner at Restaurant Gösser Bierklink [29 February 2016]

"The Gösser Bierklinik is the oldest still operated restaurant in Vienna

(according to the State Office for Historical Monuments of Vienna)."








Last change: 9 March 2016

Kurt Varmuza (C), Laboratory for Chemometrics (LCM)