C o M e C S  -  Project                   [ CoMeCS Start ]

Comet and Meteorite Materials - Studied by Chemometrics of Spectroscopic Data



Be Open      Science & Society Festival


8 - 12 Sep 2018


Maria-Theresien-Platz, Vienna


The Austrian Science Fund FWF is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Responsible for the support of basic research, the institution has placed the dialogue between science and society at the centre of its anniversary celebrations at the BE OPEN - Science & Society Festival.,








Contribution from the  C o M e C S  project  (supported by the FWF Science Fund)

Comet and Meteorite Materials - Studied by Chemometrics of Spectroscopic Data



Kometenstaub aus der Nähe

Kurt Varmuza (TU Wien) und das COSIMA-Team sammelten, fotografierten und analysierten Staubteilchen des Tschurjumow-Gerassimenko Kometen.

Ziel ist es herauszufinden, aus welchen chemischen Substanzen der Komet zusammengesetzt ist.



Comet Dust Close-Up

Kurt Varmuza (TU Wien) and the COSIMA-Team collected, imaged and analysed dust particles from the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet.

The objective is to find out which chemical substances the comet is made of.




PDF of the scheme (Rosetta/COSIMA/CoMeCS)










[ CoMeCS Start ]      180912  (C) K. Varmuza, 2018